What would be your reaction if you came home and found another man fucking your wife in your bedroom . . . and it happens to be your wife's black boss, who's paying the household bills?
Check out my latest post: https://medium.com/ir-cuckold-avenue/my-wifes-lover-pays-the-bills-d3355c905162
Play five years ago my wife worked in a warehouse and her boss was a very dark skinned Dominican, he almost looked African, myself just getting a new job and doing lots of traveling she started to go out to office group parties. I would call to check up and she would still be out at three in the morning saying she was with girlfriends. I would come home to find condoms in my car and in my garage when I questioned her she said she had no idea. I put a camera in our basement. I have videos of my wife with her Dominican boss and his black friends dominating her all weekend
My x gf was 12 years younger than me. Loved dressing nice. No panties under tight jeans Dresses to work n was 32 c cup She finally told me that her Black boss was regularly fucking her in her lunch break and she’d go back to work most days full of cum
My Black boss uses me at home
That is our best fantasy.
Of course I am paying all the bills and giving them money for dinner and drinks. As a cuckold I have no choice....that's the least I can do for the Black man that keeps my wife happy.